Month: December 2023

Week 14 or so …..

Hey Readers ..

It’s been about 14 or 15 weeks since I started changing the way I eat and using my coach’s food program he’s developing – tailored to me.

I haven’t posted a lot lately since it’s been more of the same –

  1. Foods are excellent and packaged to my macros – they aren’t varied every day but the menu changes with each set of foods I get. I asked for and got BEEF. So yum.
  2. Exercise still is hit or miss (mostly miss) and I need to do better there
  3. Weeks when the coach has been away or I wasn’t scheduled I have eaten better – made all by myself.
  4. I love making soup on the weekends for the peckish times. Broth based with veg and usually some chicken.

Well .. I’m down 15.4 lbs. Yep. 

I failed on some days and ate “bad” things (yay doritos). 

I’ve eaten out several days and that might not have had the best choice in foods. I miss french fries and chicken parmesan.

I minimalized the exercise because – hey – lazy and unmotivated. I haven’t even made going to work out with coach a priority.

I’ve refused to give up my coffee with cream and plant stevia. Coach adjusted my macros.

I’ve questioned if this was “worth it” or going to “work” when I was STARVING. What was the point if I was miserable.

I had a bump back UP and that put me in a right tailspin (see the “worth it” comment).

I’ve had shitty stressful work days and so many other unexpected stressors. I retreated from everyone in the world for several days. Work “let go” an unexpected and well respected subject matter expert (Merry Christmas WTF). I despaired I would ever have success or even if I deserved to be successful.

Guess what? I didn’t give up. I kept coming back to the food program. I need it to be a habit and that comes from working the program.

And no matter how much I push, my coach won’t be pushed away and says true things I don’t want to hear. So I matter. And I’m doing it.


Happy Holidays
